September 26, 2024

Tour de France 2022: women’s race reborn as eight-stage route unveiled

The ladies’ Tour de France was renewed as the 2022 race course was divulged in the Palais des Congrès in Paris on Thursday by the recently selected race chief Marion Rousse. The eight-stage race, which starts on 24 July one year from now, as the men’s Tour de France closes, implies a hotly anticipated quantum jump in the profile of ladies’ hustling.

Christian Prudhomme, the longstanding overseer of the men’s Tour, claimed by sports advertiser ASO, said that the ladies’ race is worked to “bear 100 years” and refered to ASO’s help of the development of ladies’ cycling, through one day races La Course and Paris-Roubaix, and presently of the ladies’ Tour.For the initial time, the tip top ladies sat close by the peloton’s first class men in the huge Paris amphitheater as their particular courses were divulged. Rousse, who portrayed it as a “genuine honor” to be the overseer of the ladies’ Tour de France, added that: “The ladies’ races we have now are gems to esteem.”

Subsequent to starting on the Champs-Élysées, the ladies’ Tour course crisscrosses east towards the Vosges mountains and the Haut-Rhin, taking in run stages, rock tracks through grape plantations in Champagne, and a last few days of high-elevation risings, finishing in the 24% rock move to Super Planche des Belles Filles.

“We needed to begin from Paris,” Rousse said of the ladies’ Tour. “With just eight phases, we were unable to go down to the Alps or the Pyrenees, the exchanges would be excessively long.” The ladies’ Tour de France champion will win €50,000 (£42,300) and there is a further pot of €200,000 for stage and arrangement winners.The yellow shirt champ in the men’s Tour, conversely, wins €500,000 (generally imparted to colleagues) and a further prize pot of more than €2m is on offer for stage triumphs and characterization victors.

Lizzie Deignan, champ of the debut ladies’ Paris-Roubaix this month, depicted it as “a significant day for cycling, in addition to ladies’ cycling. It is a key marker that the game is as yet advancing as we are presently ready to contend in the most notable bicycle race on the planet. I think the coordinators have done a truly great job setting up the course for this edition.”It will feature the best that ladies’ cycling brings to the table with a phase fit to each sort of rider, something I was truly expecting. The course has been intended to offer engaging hustling beginning to end, yet additionally to arrive at a crescendo with the last stage completing on the Super Planche des Belles Filles, probably the hardest move in proficient cycling.”

Rousse added: “The stages clearly are more limited for the ladies than for the men’s races. The men can go 225km. For the young ladies, the longest race on our list is 175km and we even required uncommon regulation for that.”

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