September 26, 2024

SAS Pilots Reach Agreement With Management, End Strike

Scandinavian Airlines pilots in Sweden, Norway and Denmark early Tuesday canceled a strike that has been causing significant disturbance for 15 days in the wake of arriving at an arrangement with the executives.

The transporter has said the strike has prompted the crossing out of around half of all SAS booked flights and had influenced huge number of travelers per day.SAS CEO Anko van der Werff said the gatherings had settled on an understanding for the following five-and-a-half years that ensures both expense investment funds for the carrier and professional stability for the pilots.

“I’m satisfied to report that we currently have come to a concurrence with every one of the four pilot associations for SAS Scandinavia and the strike has finished. At last, we can continue ordinary tasks and fly our clients on their much yearned for summer occasions. I profoundly lament that so many of our travelers have been affected by this strike,” van der Werff said in an explanation,

Approximately 900 pilots left July 4, refering to deficient compensation and working circumstances and communicating disappointment with the choice by the transporter to employ new pilots to fill opening at its auxiliary aircrafts, SAS Link and SAS Connect, as opposed to rehire previous pilots who were laid off because of the pandemic.

“Pilots have gotten a significant leap forward. 400 and fifty pilots who were laid off during the crown pandemic have been ensured re-business and the pilot affiliations’ aggregate arrangements will likewise apply to the new organizations SAS Connect and SAS Link,” the pilot affiliation SAS Pilot Group said in an explanation.

SAS said the strike prompted the retraction of in excess of 3,700 flights, influencing approximately 380,000 travelers, adding the walkout cost 100-130 million Swedish kronor ($9.5-12.3 million) every day in lost income and expenses.

Talks between pilot associations and the carrier had begun in November to recharge an aggregate understanding that lapsed on April 1. Notwithstanding, long periods of exchanges had neglected to close another arrangement.

A day after the strike started, the monetarily grieved SAS declared financial insolvency security in the United States, saying the walkout had jeopardized the fate of the transporter. The carrier said it deliberately petitioned for Chapter 11 in New York, meaning common prosecution is required to be postponed while the business rearranges its funds.

Scandinavian Airlines is part-claimed by the states of Sweden and Denmark. In 2018, Norway sold its stake however holds obligation in the carrier and has said changing over that into equity may will.

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